Let's hope he's not right, but I unfortunately we at AHRS believe he is. So far in the Puget Sound region we haven't gone into recession, but there is no doubt the economy and job markets have slowed. That said, here are some factors in the region that could have a long-term (>1 year) impact to our area:
- A weak real-estate market (but still way stronger than more major cities) that creeps its way into many areas of the economy: job losses, illiquid real estate assets, sliding home equity, increased foreclosures, etc.
- A weakened labor market. In the past few months technology and aerospace employers have continued to add jobs to the area economy, but alone these industries can't overcome the weakness of rest of the regional labor market. Aerospace may well drop off the list of net hiring in the near future.
- Troubles at WAMU (and now Starbucks) lead to even more layoffs and office vacancies, not to mention the investment losses.
- Record fuel prices and airline capacity reductions may well lead to slower and/or delayed orders at Boeing, which would have a rippling effect through the area.
- Local investors investing in the region (or anywhere) are hurting (check out recent stock prices for Boeing, WAMU, Blue Nile, Starbucks, etc.). People have shrinking investment accounts and feel less affluent, regardless if they hold onto their stock (only "paper" losses so far). As a result, of course, they spend less.
At least the weather has improved lately!
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